Director General of Police (DGP) Dilbag Singh on Monday sanctioned Rupees 4.69 Crore as Special Welfare Relief and Ex-gratia Relief in favour of dependents, legal heirs of 21 slain and deceased police men, SPOs and two slain CRPF men.
According to a statement issued to the news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO), the special welfare relief of Rupees 20 lakh each has been sanctioned in favour of dependents, legal heirs of slain police men including ASI Babu Ram, SgCt Fayaz Ahmad, Constable Ishfaq Ayoub and Constable Abdul Rashid.
Special welfare relief has also been sanctioned in favour of NoKs of those Police personnel who expired while in service due to illness or accidents. These include SI Mohammad Ramzan, ASI Abdul Majid, and Ravi Singh, HC Ghulam Mohi-ud-din, Tilak Raj, Shabir Ahmad and Abdul Rashid, SgCt Yeshpal Singh, and Parshotam Lal, Constable Skinder Majeed, Tahir Ahmad and Rajesh Singh, and Follower Abdul Rashid who expired during service due to health-related issues.
Rupees 38 lakh each ex-gratia relief has been sanctioned in favour of NoKs of slain HCs Anoop Singh, and HC Mohammad Amin, Constable Mehraj-ud-din. They were killed in militant incidents.
Rupees five lakh each has been sanctioned in favour of NoKs of slain CRPF personnel HC/GD Kale Sunil of CRPF 182 Bn and HC/GD Kuldeep Kumar Oraon of 118 Bn CRPF. They were also killed in militant incidents.
Pertinent to mention rupees one lakh each was already paid to the families, NoKs of personnel for performing the last rites as immediate relief by the concerned units. The financial assistance has been given out of the Contributory Police Welfare Fund.
The DGP has also sanctioned rupees five lakh out of Contributory Welfare Fund of SPOs as special relief in favour of NoKs of SPO Suhail Ahmad who died during the course of his engagement in the Police Organization. Out of these rupees, 50,000 have been already paid to the families/NoKs for performing the last rites as immediate relief by the concerned unit.
Police headquarters is running many schemes for the welfare of its personnel and their families. There are also schemes for the wards of Police personnel and SPOs. Besides, there are schemes for the NoKs of slain, their wards as also for the retired Police personnel and their spouses—(KNO)